Along with two other single parents, I write a monthly article for the wikizine of wikivorce (helping you through a breakup) on various issues and themes for single parents.
Keeping In Touch With The ‘Out-laws’
My Sunday was weirder than weird, but also strangely normal. You see, I went with my boyfriend to Oxford to collect his five year old son …[more: Keeping In Touch With The ‘Out-laws’]
Parents in Dialogue: One Year On…
In the midst of a relationship or family breakdown you can see no future – you are wrapped up in the pain and intensity of the moment – your own overwhelming hurt and the desperate confusion of your children. You can barely breathe …[more: Parents in Dialogue: One Year On…]
Badmouthing – to do or not to do?
I’ve bitten my lip so many times I’m amazed I don’t look more like Angelina Jolie. I know it’s not good for the kids if I “bad mouth” their father but his behaviour sometimes is so awful and their devotion to him is so complete that it takes the strength of the Titans not to …[more: Badmouthing – to do or not to do?]
Parents in Dialogue: Taking a Holiday!
School holidays. Their approach fills you with a mixture of happiness and dread …[more: Parents in Dialogue: Taking a Holiday!]
Watching Children Grow Up
Single mums are amazing. As well as keeping the house clean, delivering the kids to school (vaguely on time) with all their sports paraphernalia intact, encouraging the ancient car to continue to do the rounds of …[more: Watching Children Grow Up]