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Typical problemsKim Tasso2013-08-20T14:24:47+01:00
Typical problems encountered (after some analysis/work)
- There is no business/practice plan
- Partnership not clear about its shared goals beyond financial goals
- A lack of direction
- There is no marketing plan
- Lack of information about the market and/or client perceptions and satisfaction
- The firm does not understand/has the wrong idea about marketing
- Low staff morale
- Too sales oriented (lack of marketing thinking and preparation)
- Lack of internal systems (management information, marketing databases, etc)
- Partnership in conflict
- Ad-hoc and erratic marketing activities
- Lack of external market and client perception information
- Reward systems do not support the required change in behaviour
- Insufficient training or confidence amongst key people
- Difficulty in managing change (in culture, organisation, clients, work etc)
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