- 1 Brick Court, London www.onebrickcourt.com
- 11 Kings Bench Walk, Leeds www.11kbw.com
- 3 Dr Johnson’s Buildings *, London www.clt.co.uk
- 36 Bedford Row, London cameo.clutterbuckassociates.co.uk
- 4 Paper Buildings (now Hailsham Chambers) *, London www.hailshamchambers.com
- Anthony Gold, London https://www.anthonygold.co.uk/
AP Law, London www.aplaw.co.uk
Arden Chambers, London www.ardenchambers.com/
Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) *, Nottingham www.apil.org.uk
Association of Solicitors in Investment Management
Ayesha Vardaq, London www.vardags.com
Barker Brettell, https://www.barkerbrettell.co.uk/
Barlow Robbins, Guildford, Surrey www.barlowrobbins.com
Bates Wells Braithwaite *, London www.bwbllp.com
Berwin Leighton Paisner, London www.blplaw.com
Beachcroft, Bristol www.beachcroft.com
Blake Lapthorn, Sussex www.bllaw.co.uk
Bonnetts, Hounslow www.bonnetts.co.uk
Boodle Hatfield*, London www.boodlehatfield.com
Borneo Linnell www.harveyingram.com
Brachers, Maidstone, Kent www.brachers.co.uk
Brethertons, Banbury, Bicester, Rugby and London https://www.brethertons.co.uk/
Buckles, https://www.buckles-law.co.uk/
Burges Salmon, Bristol https://www.burges-salmon.com/
Cannings Connolly, London www.cclaw.co.uk
Carey Olsen, Channel Islands https://www.careyolsen.com/
Charles Russell Speechlys, London https://www.charlesrussellspeechlys.com/en/
Chattertons Solicitors www.chattertons.com
Clarke Willmott, National https://www.clarkewillmott.com/
Clifton Ingram *, Wokingham www.cliftoningram.co.uk
Cloisters, London www.cloisters.com
CLT (Central Law Training)*, West Midlands www.clt.co.uk
Cole & Cole (Now Morgan Cole) *, Oxford & Reading www.morgan-cole.com
Curry Popeck, London www.currypopeck.com
D Young & Co *, London and Southampton www.dyoung.com
DAC Beachcroft, Bristol https://www.dacbeachcroft.com/
Dutton Gregory, https://www.duttongregory.co.uk/
EMW Law, Milton Keynes www.emwllp.com
EuroDefi, Nottingham/Europe
Eurojuris International, Europe www.eurojuris.net
Everys, Devon www.everys.co.uk
Falconbury, London www.falconbury.co.uk
FBC Manby Bowdler, Wolverhampton www.fbcmb.co.uk
Fidler & Pepper, East Midlands www.fidler.co.uk
First Counsel, London www.first-counsel.co.uk
Fletcher Day, London https://www.fletcherday.co.uk/
Forshaws, North West www.fdrlaw.co.uk
Fredrikson & Byron (USA) *, USA www.fredlaw.com
Freeth Cartwright, Nottingham www.freethcartwright.co.uk
Gateley plc, National https://gateleyplc.com/
Globe Law and Business https://www.globelawandbusiness.com/
Hardwicke www.hardwicke.co.uk
Hardwicke Buildings, London www.hardwickebuilding.co.uk
Hempsons *, London, Manchester, Harrogate www.hempsons.co.uk
Herbert Smith, London www.herbertsmith.com
Herbert Smith Freehills, London https://www.herbertsmithfreehills.com/
Howes Percival, Leicester www.howespercival.com
Isle of Man Law Society, Isle of Man www.iomlawsociety.co.im
Jordans (Vistra), Bristol https://www.jordans.co.uk/
Keating Chambers *, London www.keatingchambers.co.uk
Keystone Law, London https://www.keystonelaw.co.uk/
Kirkland and Ellis, USA, London www.kirkland.com
Lamb Brooks, Hampshire www.lambbrooks.com
Lane & Partners (now part of Bird & Bird), London
Laura Devine, London https://www.lauradevine.com/
Laurence Kaye, London www.laurencekaye.com
Law Society *, London www.lawsociety.org.uk
Law South, Sussex and Surrey www.lawsouth.co.uk
LawNet *, UK nationwide www.lawnetsolicitors.co.uk
Legal Abacus www.ilfm.org.uk
Lester Aldridge, Bournemouth www.lester-aldridge.co.uk
Lowe & Gordon, London www.lowegordon.co.uk
Manches, London www.manches.com
Marriot Harrison*, London www.marriottharrison.co.uk
Matheson, Dublin https://www.matheson.com/
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw *, USA and London www.mayerbrown.com
Morrison and Foerster, USA www.mofo.com
Mourant, https://www.mourant.com/
MSI Global Alliance, Global www.msiglobal.org
Mundays *, Surrey www.mundays.co.uk
Nabarro *, London and Sheffield www.nabarro.com
Nathan Silman, (Acquired by Finers)
Nelsons *, Nottingham www.nelsonslaw.co.uk
New Square Chambers, London www.newsquarechambers.co.uk
NIS Group
Norsker & Jacoby, Denmark www.norskerco.dk
North Eastern Circuit Barrister’s Clerk’s Mess, North East UK
Nottingham Law School*, Nottingham www.ntu.ac.uk/nls
Olswang *, London www.olswang.com
Osborne Clarke *, Bristol www.osborneclarke.com
Owen White & Catlin, Middlesex, Surrey www.owenwhitecatlin.co.uk
Oxford Institute of Legal Practice, Oxford www.law.brookes. vac.uk
Paris Smith*, Southampton www.parissmith.co.uk
Park Court Chambers, Leeds www.parkcourtchambers.co.uk
Peter Hay & Associates *, Surrey www.perryhay.co.uk
Property Bar Association, London www.propertybar.org.uk
Reddie & Grose*, London www.reddie.co.uk
Rix & Kay *, Sussex www.rixandkay.co.uk
Rollingsons, London www.rollingsons.co.uk
Ross & Craig *, London www.rosscraig.com
Rouse & Co * London www.iprights.com
Royds*, London www.royds.com
Russell-Cooke *, London Putney Kingston www.russell-cooke.co.uk
Seddons *, London www.seddons.co.uk
Sharman & Trethewy *, Bedfordshire www.sharmanlaw.co.uk
SJBerwin, London www.sjberwin.com
Slade Legal, South Oxfordshire http://www.slade-legal.co.uk/
Solicitors for the Elderly, Hertfordshire www.solicitorsfortheelderly.com
St Ives Chambers, Birmingham www.stiveschambers.co.uk
Taylor Wessing, https://www.taylorwessing.com/en
Thackray Williams, Kent http://www.thackraywilliams.com/
Thomson Snell & Passmore *, Kent www.ts-p.co.uk
Trade Mark Owners Association (TMOA) Now Hallmark, www.hallmark-ip.com
Trowers & Hamlin, London www.trowers.com
Veale Wasbrough, Bristol www.vwv.co.uk
Venters, London http://www.venters.co.uk/
Volterra Fietta, https://www.volterrafietta.com/
Wallace & Partners *, London www.wallace.co.uk
Wansbroughs, Bristol www.wansbroughs.com
Webber Wentzel, www.webberwentzel.com
Weil, Gotshal & Manges *, USA www.weil.com
White & Bowker, Now part of Blake Lapthorn
Wiggin & Co, London and Cheltenham www.wiggin.co.uk
WilmerHale, US and London www.wilmerhale.com
Wilsons, Salisbury www.wilsonslaw.com
Withy King, Wiltshire www.withyking.co.uk
Wolf Theiss, Central and Eastern Europe https://www.wolftheiss.com/
Woodfines, Cambridge, Milton Keynes & Bedfordshire http://www.woodfines.co.uk/
Wright Morris, London
Wrigleys, Leeds and Sheffield https://www.wrigleys.co.uk/
- Zee Associates, www.zee-associates.co.uk