I have a long association with the single father organisations Onlydads http://www.onlydads.org/ (see, for example the Westminster Fathers debate http://kimtasso.com/westminster-debate-for-fathers/ and also the research into the cost of divorce http://kimtasso.com/the-price-of-divorce-survey-results/ . Dadshouse http://www.dadshouse.org.uk/ is a related organisation for single dads.
So I was interested to see that a new members and networking group called City Fathers launched earlier this year with research into the views of 750 working dads which found that:
- 44% rated missing their children as the biggest challenge they face as working fathers
- 29% took no paternity leave or did not take their full entitlement
- 33% ruled out shared parental leave
It seems that working mums and working dads have similar issues when it comes to combining work and family life – even with employment law trying to make it easier.
There’s also a number of blogs giving insight into the lives of working dads http://www.citymothers.co.uk/Blogs/Cityfathers