At his first workshop for the Coaching Skills Academy (a joint venture between Managing Partners’ Forum | (mpfglobal.com) and Home – PM Forum), Jamie Butler provided a masterful demonstration of effective team coaching in an interactive and experiential learning session. Directors and senior managers from legal and accountancy sectors had completed some preparation before the session.
About Jamie Butler
Jamie Butler | LinkedIn started his career as an employment lawyer at a leading law firm before teaching, for over 10 years, on the solicitors’ vocational courses at BPP Law School. He then became head of learning and development (L&D) at a law firm before taking a similar role at Cleary Gottlieb. He retrained as an executive coach in 2016 and set up in business providing one-to-one and group coaching and facilitation services. He has a particular interest in building coaching cultures. Jamie Butler Coaching Limited
Some delegates had received coaching training in the past whereas others were new to the topic (I loved the term “accidental coach”). Some had more experience of mentoring than coaching. They were required to coach groups of people (sometimes more senior people in technical roles) within their practices as well as their own teams. Some had neurodiverse members of their team.
Key characteristics and behaviours of a team
Delegates considered the differences between groups and teams before Jamie offered a definition of a team from a coaching organisation:
“Collaboration between a recognised group of people drawing upon individual capabilities and strengths who are committed to working together inter-dependently to achieve a common purpose and collective performance and learning goals”.
I like Simon Sinek’s point: “A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people that trust each other”.
A joint view of the characteristics and behaviours of an effective team included: trust, respect, encourage and support each other, acceptance of difference, communication and the ability to have fun.
Delegates talked about how to create trust within a team – and ideas included facilitation, autonomy, empowerment, confidentiality and embracing difference of style and perspective. Highly-developed communication skills also helped to promote transparency, inclusion and expectation management. Jamie talked through the dynamics of effective teams from Google: meaning (purpose), psychological safety, structure and clarity, dependability and impact.
The Firo B model of how teams develop (Inclusion, Assertion, Co-operation) was compared with the Tuckman model.
Benefits and challenges of team coaching
Jamie shared the Association for Coaching definition of team coaching:
“The application of coaching skills while working with a whole, intact team over time to improve inter-dependent members’ abilities to work together collaboratively to achieve the team’s collective purpose, potential and performance”.
And he described the subtle differences and challenges in coaching individuals, groups and teams with examples from his experience.
Reflections from break out discussions considered benefits such as: leaders showing vulnerability, leaders role modelling learning conversations, a reduction in perfectionism and inclusion of all members of the team.
Challenges included: engagement, apathy, time, negativity, differing agendas and priorities. One of the delegates described a fun team-building exercise where members were allocated to Harry Potter style houses with a “sorting hat” based loosely on psychometric tests.
Delegates then considered a series of coaching questions to help them frame their leaders’ work in terms of a team coaching session. Their responses provided fascinating insights into what might be achieved. And their experience of providing a collective voice was instructive.
Jamie provided a series of “magic questions” from Jenny Rogers’ excellent book Book review: Coaching skills: A handbook by Jenny Rogers (kimtasso.com)
Creating a team coaching environment
Jamie explained that whilst contracting was necessary for formal, external coaches it was probably more appropriate for coach-managers to set out some ground rules. He offered examples of both which delegates considered and added to for their own firms and teams.
An interesting debate ensued relating to: advanced preparation, breaks, the (non) use of tech, encouraging everyone to contribute, time allocation, hybrid adjustments, cameras, multitasking and boundaries.
Psychological safety was explored using Building a psychologically safe workplace | Amy Edmondson | TEDxHGSE (youtube.com). And discussion focused on impression management and the dangers of withholding. The apathy, anxiety, comfort and learning zones were examined – with suggestions for how the coach can assist in different situations.
Recognition (demonstrate listening, complementing good questions) and accountability were part of building trust. Alignment to personal goals supported engagement. Framing difficulties and dilemmas in terms of what can be learned collectively helped team problem-solving. Questions and celebrating risk-taking were other devices to promote a coaching approach.
Applying the GROW model
At this stage, John Whitmore’s GROW model was used by delegates to put their team coaching skills into practice. There was discussion about how to introduce a coaching style into team meetings so as not to cause concern or break trust. And they explored some of the common reasons people may resist a coaching approach.
A final breakout exercise explored how to apply the session’s lessons (and Jamie’s practice) in their own teams. (Other coaching frameworks are listed towards the end of this article: Business Development Coaching Insights – Kim Tasso)
Delegates were surprised to realise that they had been coached without realizing it – and they committed to mirroring some of Jamie’s behaviours in their own teams. The way in which Jamie gently drew out views from every delegate in turn was also noted. The effective use of silence, rephrasing questions and allowing people time to think were other observations. And all delegates used the personal action planning framework provided.
There were some final reflections on how to build a coaching culture in their firms. And to consider the further learning resources provided.
The Coaching Skills Academy (CSA)
The Managing Partners’ Forum and PM Forum have a Coaching Skills Academy offering a range of training workshops for leaders and marketing and business development professionals in coaching and mentoring.
Coaching Skills Academy – PM Forum (a joint venture between Managing Partners’ Forum | (mpfglobal.com) and Home – PM Forum)
- Meaningful mentoring (15th October – Andy Lopata)
- Introduction to coaching and mentoring skills (5th November)
- Developing people’s resilience (25th November)
- Advanced coaching skills (19th December)
Jamie has committed to running the session again in 2025.
The Managing Partners’ Forum and PM Forum operate a free Mentor Match service for members: Mentor Match – PM Forum and Mentor Match- General Guidance | Managing Partners’ Forum (mpfglobal.com)
Related coaching and mentoring posts
Introductory coaching and mentoring books
Book Review: The Coaching Manual by Julie Starr – Kim Tasso July 2024
A complete guide to effective mentoring (kimtasso.com) September 2024
Book review: Coaching skills: A handbook by Jenny Rogers (kimtasso.com) June 2022
More advanced coaching and mentoring books:
The Fertile Void – Gestalt coaching at work by John Leary-Joyce (kimtasso.com) August 2024
Transformational Mentoring – creating developmental alliances (kimtasso.com) July 2024
Neuroscience for learning and development by Stella Collins (kimtasso.com) September 2023
Helping people change: Coaching with compassion (kimtasso.com) October 2019
Coaching models – book review of Stephen Gribben’s book (kimtasso.com) August 2017
Other books and some coaching qualifications are listed here: Coaching and consulting skills for M&BD workshop (November 2021) (kimtasso.com)
Organisational and cultural change books:
Book review: The Thriving Lawyer by Traci Cipriano (resilience) (kimtasso.com) June 2024
Neuroscience for learning and development by Stella Collins (kimtasso.com) September 2023
Book review: Neuroscience for organizational change by Hilary Scarlett (kimtasso.com) May 2020
Change management – Change Catalyst book review by Kim Tasso September 2018
change management and organisational change (kimtasso.com) January 2017 “Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organisational change” by Esther Cameron and Mike Green
Classic management book reviews – The McKinsey way, Good to great (kimtasso.com)
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Business Development Coaching Insights – Kim Tasso September 2024
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coaching and mentoring skills (kimtasso.com) December 2015
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Coaching skills – the importance of active listening – Kim Tasso November 2014
Seven takeaways from a coaching skills course (2014) – Kim Tasso November 2014
Personality assessment as part of the coaching and development process (kimtasso.com) June 2013
Coaching and Mentoring services from Kim Tasso