It was a full house for December’s “Being more strategic” PM Forum – PM Forum workshop for marketing and business development (MBD) professionals. During the session we considered three key areas: thinking strategically, business strategy and marketing/business development strategy. What emerged from exercises and discussions was how to progress from thinking strategically to developing strategy to putting strategy into action. Whether this was from a firm’s overall position in the market, for a particular sector//team or for a specific project (such as key accounts, pitches or CRM). The challenge of moving from strategy development to strategy implementation. Be more strategic – Strategy into Action (Implementation).
What is the role of MBD in strategy development and implementation?
There are various levels at which strategy development and implementation takes place:
- For the firm overall
- For particular markets or sectors
- For particular divisions, departments, services or teams
- For individuals
The role of MBD professionals in strategy depends on a number of things:
- Culture – Some firms have a culture that embraces a strategic and planned approach to the future. They have already cultivated strategic thinking throughout the organisation. Other firms may be less centralised, less disciplined and more reactive. We considered emergency models of strategy. So sometimes our role is facilitating cultural change.
- Strategy sophistication – Some firms are sophisticated in their strategic thinking – their Boards and leaders understand strategy and have developed strategic plans for the firm and all markets and departments. Other firms may be at the start of their strategic thinking journey. Again, we assess the current situation and help move the organisation into a position where strategy is part of the conversation.
- Established firm strategy – Some firms will have established strategies – at the firm-wide level, for each division, for marketing and business development and for individual fee-earners. MBD professionals will be engaged in implementing those strategies.
- Marketing and Business Development strategy – A firm may have an established marketing and business development strategy. Sometimes the role of MBD people is to revise or refine these strategies. Sometimes it is to execute and implement these strategies.
- Project strategy – Sometimes MBD professionals are responsible for bringing a strategic approach to specific projects whether these are for infrastructure (e.g. CRM systems) or to implement a significant goal (e.g. strategic account management) or to implement a new campaign (e.g. thought leadership in the media sector)
How do MBD professionals develop strategic thinking in their firm?
Some MBD professionals are required to work in a way that is reactive and tactical. For instance, they may be busy responding to fee-earner requests for help in implementing marketing and business development activities – e.g. organising events, preparing emails, posting on social media.
MBD professionals can help fee-earners step back and consider their goals – by adopting a coaching, challenging or consulting approach. Then we can contribute to the debate about how we might best meet those goals.
We might ask questions such as:
- Analysis
- What is the current situation?
- What has happened in the past?
- Where have we performed well in the past?
- What could we have done better?
- What can we learn from past activities?
- How are we different from our competitors?
- What are the gaps or opportunities in the market?
- What are our clients saying?
- Who are the target audience and what are THEY interested in?
- What are our strengths and weaknesses?
- What are the main challenges?
- What weak signals might we be missing?
- Goals
- What are we trying to achieve?
- What different goals do we have? (Retention, Acquisition, Revenue, Reputation)
- How will we measure our success?
- What would good look like?
- Strategy
- What could we do to meet our aims more efficiently or effectively?
- Where should we focus?
- Which markets or services offer the best potential?
- What options do we have going forward?
- How can we be more innovative?
- How can we deliver more value to clients?
- What could we do that would really stand out from the competition?
- What assumptions are we making that impact strategy and action?
- What would be the impact of each strategic option?
Alternatively, MBD professionals may take the lead in collecting research, evidence and data that guides fee-earner discussions to tackle strategic questions. MBD might conduct analysis to understand and to raise awareness of strategic issues. For example:
- Remind people of aims and goals
- Scan the external environment Be more strategic – PESTLE, Positioning and Plans
- Gather internal and external data to drive discussions
- Direct attention to the needs of the target audience
- Promote discussion on apparent opportunities and threats
- Present evidence of competitor action
- Include strategic questions – with supporting data – on agendas
- Offer frameworks to analyse the situation and options systematically
- Engage everyone in strategic debates
Once people are engaged in discussions, MBD are in a position to help fee-earners assess which techniques, tools and approaches might be most effective in helping them achieve their goals.
We looked at several tools:
- How to assess our strategic thinking
- How to promote strategic thinking within our firms
How do MBD professionals put strategy into action?
Once a strategy has been chosen we help prepare a plan to ensure implementation. This requires attention in a number of areas. And it leads us into the area of change management Change challenges – Culture, Communications and Clutter
- Manage communication
- Provide innovative and creative ideas
- Assess impacts and risks
- Assign and secure resources
- Establish structures and teams
- Arrange training and coaching
- Prepare project plans and time-line
- Establish monitoring systems and processes
Other views on strategy into action
How to Move from Strategy to Execution HBR June 2022
Three key steps to build the right execution system (One study noting that employees at three out of every five companies rate their organization as weak on execution)
1) Achieving Strategic Clarity
– Is your strategy set at the right level of ambition?
– Do you know what capabilities are essential for your strategy?
2) Achieving Organizational Clarity
– Have you specified which unit owns which part of your strategy?
– Have you built the right interactions between these key units?
– Have you assigned the right talent to the right roles?
3) Building A Management System
– How have you empowered your staff?
– How have you built self-corrective feedback into your system?
5 Keys to Successful Strategy Execution | HBS Online November 2020
- Commit to a Strategic Plan
- Align Jobs to Strategy
- Communicate Clearly to Empower Employees
- Measure and Monitor Performance
- Balance Innovation and Control
A Manager’s Guide to Successful Strategy Implementation HBR Jan 2024
What Is Strategy Implementation?
Four Steps in the Strategy Implementation Process:
- Handle Tension
- Belief systems: Organizational definitions you communicate and reinforce to provide direction to employees
- Boundary systems: Negatively phrased statements that tell employees what behaviours are forbidden
- Diagnostic control systems: Formal information systems that help monitor organizational outcomes
- Interactive control systems: Formal systems managers use to involve themselves in subordinates’ decisions that impact strategic uncertainties
2. Align Job Design to Strategy
- What resources do employees have to get the job done?
- What measure will we use to evaluate their performance?
- Who must they influence to achieve their goals?
- How much support can they expect when reaching out for help
3. Inspire Employee Buy-In
- According to Strategy Execution, effective core values possess two attributes:
- Inspiration: They make employees proud of where they work.
- Guidance: They ensure employees know whose interests to prioritize when making difficult decision
- According to Strategy Execution, effective core values possess two attributes:
- Manage Risk
How to Turn Strategy Into Action | LLR GrowthBits
Five steps to turn strategy into action:
- Translate and elaborate on the strategy
- Confirm execution priorities
- Define strategic initiatives
- Engage and align the organization
- Measure, Monitor and Adjust
The article contains some helpful examples:
Overall growth strategy – choose five priorities: expand portfolio of quality clients, increase client retention, drive differentiation, enhance end-to-end client experience, solidify and scale infrastructure
Develop each priority – e.g. identify the various initiatives, summarise the key actions inpr each as well as who is accountable and the timing.
Delegate goals
Our delegates had a variety of roles from all levels of seniority (International Operation Managers, Head of Marketing & BD, Head of Comms & Marketing, Business Development Manager, Marketing Manager, Senior Marketing Executive, Senior BD Executive, MBD Executive, Business Development Coordinator). Some had more focused roles (e.g. BD Pitch Specialist, Senior Manager Strategic Account Manager, BD Specialist (CRM)). Most were from law firms (including a barristers set) but there were some from accountancy practices.
- Knowledge and skills
- Learn about being strategic and how to implement in my role to help progress the department
- Learn more about being strategic and implementing strategy
- Learn practical strategic skills that I can use for my day-to-day job
- To gain a better understanding of strategies
- I tend to think about tactics and I want to think more strategically and holistically
- Confidence
- To feel more confident in coming up with and identifying the correct strategies for my practices
- I am looking to take away lots of practical tips and learn from others, plus feel more confident when helping the partners
- I would like to be able to input more into the strategic decisions of the firm internationally
- I would like to learn more techniques to adapt strategy when dealing with difficult people both at work and in my personal life
- More strategic role
- I am working more strategically on our regional market presence with our HOO and more strategically on wider projects across the firm which impact the wider Marketing & BD function, so interested to learn more about how I can do this effectively
- I’m attending to keep my head in the game for any industry updates or thoughts on how to be strategic in our role. I’ve recently taken on a new role and want to make sure I am assessing my current position from all angles
- To implement strategy and strategic thinking into my marketing efforts more
- Specific strategy project
- Starting to work on Marketing Plan – tips and new ideas
- I co-lead the Strategic Account Programme which has undergone and a review and refresh so trying to align fully the
- I am here to understand some Strategic tools and tips which we can use within our day to day role and Strategic Account Programme
- Strategy frameworks for use in pitches
- Leadership and management
- How to make time and space for strategy in the midst of operational delivery demands; managing strategy for highly independent fee-earners
Delegate key takeaways and actions
- First, get started
- Use the portfolio model
- Establish baseline measurables
- Use the frameworks to help me think or approach things more strategically
- Focus on vision and goals but outcomes (influence people and direct the team)
- Establish a strategy that drives towards the same outcomes
- Obtain clarity on sector goals
- Work initially with one team to show value of a more strategic approach
- Set time aside to think creatively
- Check our segmented sector target using external data and the marketing models
- Forecast our spend to check our turnover objective
- Have specific measurables and don’t have too many
- Identify responsibilities and assign them
- Explore and consider client listening programmes and talk to the team and partners about this
- Conduct more in-depth analysis – Data will give us more ammunition against objections/challenges on direction of travel
- Look outward
- Step back to see the full picture
- Question certain activity to see whether it fits in with the overall direction of the firm
Delegate poll results
Delegates find it useful to review the poll results to benchmark their views and firms against comparable firms.
Which sector do you represent?
- 93% Legal
- 7% Accountancy, insolvency, actuaries
- Property/engineering
- Consulting
How would you rate your experience in strategy?
- 7% None
- 33% A little
- 47% Average
- 13% A lot
Which topic is of most interest to you?
- 20% Thinking strategically
- 20% Understanding business strategy/strategic analysis
- 60% Marketing and Business Development strategy
Where is your main strategic focus?
- 21% Firm overall
- 14% Sectors
- 36% Departments/Practice Groups
- 14% Territory
- 7% Campaigns or projects
- 7% Something else
Which area presents the biggest challenge?
- 31% Strategic analysis
- 13% Generate strategic options
- 6% Strategy choice
- 38% Strategy implementation
- 13% Something else
Do you have a marketing qualification?
- 47% Yes
- 40% No
- 13% Sort of
Have you completed a marketing audit for your firm/team?
- 19% Yes
- 81% No
Which element of strategic analysis do you think you most need to improve at your firm?
- 20% External analysis – far environment (PESTLE)
- 20% External analysis – clients
- 20% External analysis – competitors
- 13% Internal analysis – strengths and weaknesses
- 13% Internal analysis – past clients and sources of work
- 13% External analysis – sector issues and trends
Which of the following is closest to describing your goals?
- 13% Really well designed – objectives and KPIs for financial and other measures
- 31% Well defined – revenue, reputation and relationships
- 60% Partially defined – there are some goals and objectives
- 6% Poor – there are activity-based goals but not results-focused
Which segmentation approaches are used in your firm?
- 69% Market or industry sector
- 44% Size of business
- 31% Job function
- 63% Geography/region
- 44% Nature of relationship
- 31% Personas
How do you rate your firm’s measurement of MBD effectiveness?
- Excellent
- 36% Good
- 36% Average
- 29% Poor
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Being more strategic – Case studies and insights (Ireland May 2023) (kimtasso.com) June 2023
Managing Partners’ Forum Strategy Summit (kimtasso.com) June 2023
Be more strategic – A metaphor: Analyse, join and align the dots (kimtasso.com) March 2023
Strategy case studies and more matrices (kimtasso.com) February 2023
Annual International Marketing Benchmark – PM Forum and Meridian West (kimtasso.com) January 2023
Be more strategic – PESTLE, Positioning and Plans (kimtasso.com) December 2022
Future Marketing/BD Manager – Build your personal brand (kimtasso.com) December 2022
Key issues in Marketing and Business Development Planning (kimtasso.com) July 2022
Be more strategic – Eight insights (February 2022) (kimtasso.com) March 2022
Take them on the strategy journey (kimtasso.com) September 2021
Strategic thinking it’s a jungle out there (kimtasso.com) February 2021
Be more strategic – Strategy in a post-Covid19 world (kimtasso.com) July 2020
Improve your strategic thinking – Seven insights (2020) (kimtasso.com) June 2020
Be more onion, time out from the tsunami and other strategy insights (kimtasso.com) March 2019
Strategic thinking – Audits, assumptions and alignment (kimtasso.com) March 2018
Marketing planning in a nutshell – simple and complex plans (kimtasso.com) June 2017
Strategy development insights – curiosity culture and change (kimtasso.com) March 2017