Book review: “Transformational Mentoring – creating developmental alliances for changing organizational cultures” (1995) by Julie Hay

I’m reviewing some of the latest books on mentoring (reviews will be published soon) and I remembered this book. I read it back in 2000, during my studies to qualify as a professional coach/mentor. The author admits that it isn’t a book for beginners. But it had a huge impact on me as I found it both forward-thinking and inspirational. Partly because the author is a psychotherapist (Transactional Analysis and Neurolinguistic Programming) and also a human resources professional specialising in organizational development and transformation (i.e. culture change). Book review: “Transformational Mentoring – creating developmental alliances for changing organizational cultures” (1995) by Julie Hay.

Psychology and business communication: Intro to transactional analysis ( 

What is NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)? – Kim Tasso 

Key ideas in transformational mentoring

This book would be my recommendation if you want to know about the process and tools to use in mentoring (i.e. a practical, nitty-gritty approach). Of particular value in this book:

  • Reframing mentoring as a developmental alliance (“A relationship between equals in which one or more of those involved is enabled to: increase awareness, identify alternatives and initiate action to develop themselves”)
  • Trends in organizational development. The author talks about: megatrends for women, the decency decade, the learning organisation, Kirton’s adaptors and innovators Leadership teams: Maverick Magpies and Predictable Pigeons (, cashing-out, cocooning and flexible working. Considering the book was written in 1995 – many of these ideas have become reality.
  • Mentoring formats: older/younger, training and development, expert/novice, friend/comrade, temporary deficit, spot mentoring, group mentoring
  • Values and beliefs: people are OK, people want closeness, people can change, people want to grow, we create our own meaning, we can make decisions, our behaviour is purposeful
  • Differences between counselling, coaching, traditional mentoring and developmental alliance (and the pros and cons of developmental alliances)
  • Characteristics/qualities of mentors: compatibility, respect, ethics, self-awareness, self-development, attitude, attitude to ambiguity
  • Mentor styles: personal styles (controlling, nurturing, logical, adaptable, spontaneous), thinking styles (experience, emotional response, logical consideration of future impact), working styles (from Transactional Analysis: Hurry Up, Be Perfect, Please People, Try Hard, Be Strong)
  • Understanding mentees:
  • Helping strategies and initiating a corporate approach

Valuable mentoring frameworks

Seven stages of a mentoring alliance

  1. Alliance – preparation, build the initial relationship, bonding, contracting (see below)
  1. Assessment – review and describe the current situation and desired future, be empathic to encourage self-disclosure, use mind-mapping to understand personal constructs, portfolio building
  1. Analysis – gain awareness and understanding using frameworks and theories (e.g. lifelines, genograms, relationship style (parallel process between mentor-mentee), SWOT 
  1. Alternatives – see things differently, identify options, steps to success (see below)
  1. Action planning – Force field analysis (forces for and against change), objective setting (3M – measurable, manageable, motivational), select the best options and develop a detailed action plan
  1. Application – mentee gains autonomy through awareness in the here and now, alternatives to choose from and authenticity
  1. Appraisal – review mentoring relationship, action and results

Four-cornered contract

  1. Organisation
  2. Mentor
  3. Mentee
  4. Manager

6S steps to success framework

  1. Situation
  2. Significance
  3. Solutions
  4. Skills
  5. Strategies
  6. Success

Ongoing appraisal – C4P4A4

  • Contact
  • Contract
  • Content
  • Contrast
  • Personal
  • Psychological
  • Professional
  • Parallel
  • Aim
  • Alternatives
  • Action
  • Autonomy

David Clutterbuck

Having had the privilege of working with mentoring pioneer and expert David Clutterbuck | CCMi Coaching and Mentoring Courses and Training ( decades ago, I must also recommend some of his books, notably:

  • Coaching the team at work (2007)
  • Mentoring executives and directors (1999)
  • Mentoring in action (1995)
  • Everyone needs a mentor (1985, 2004)

And I haven’t read it (yet!) but in 2022 “Coaching and Mentoring: A journey through the models, theories, frameworks and narratives of David Clutterbuck” was published (his 75th book at age 75).

Coaching Skills Academy

The Managing Partners’ Forum and PM Forum have a Coaching Skills Academy offering a range of training workshops for leaders and marketing and business development professionals Coaching Skills Academy – PM Forum during the latter half of 2024

  • Coaching and Consulting Skills for marketing and business development (18th July)
  • Coaching teams – a practical toolkit (1st October – Jamie Butler)
  • Meaningful mentoring (15th October – Andy Lopata)
  • Introduction to coaching and mentoring skills (5th November)
  • Developing people’s resilience (25th November)
  • Advanced coaching skills (19th December)

Related books on coaching and mentoring

Introductory coaching books:

Book Review: The Coaching Manual by Julie Starr – Kim Tasso July 2024

Book review: Coaching skills: A handbook by Jenny Rogers ( June 2022

The following coaching books are for more advanced/experienced coaches:

Neuroscience for learning and development by Stella Collins ( September 2023

Helping people change: Coaching with compassion ( October 2019

Coaching models – book review of Stephen Gribben’s book ( August 2017

Other books and some coaching qualifications are listed here: Coaching and consulting skills for M&BD workshop (November 2021) (

These books are helpful on organisational change:

Neuroscience for learning and development by Stella Collins ( September 2023

Book review: Neuroscience for organizational change by Hilary Scarlett ( May 2020

Change management – Change Catalyst book review by Kim Tasso September 2018

change management and organisational change ( January 2017 “Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organisational change” by Esther Cameron and Mike Green

Classic management book reviews – The McKinsey way, Good to great (

Related coaching and mentoring skills articles

You’re not listening – What you’re missing ( June 2024

Change Management – Ted Lasso leadership lessons, emotions ( May 2024

Coaching and Consulting – People and Problem-Solving skills ( February 2024

Why are questions so important? (Questioning skills) ( February 2024

What is Socratic questioning? (Questioning skills) ( February 2024

Learning & Development Update: Lean Learning ( October 2023

Coaching and Consulting skills – Limiting beliefs, approaches to helping ( February 2023

Don’t jump to conclusions – Coaching and Consulting skills ( February 2022

Coaching and consulting skills for M&BD workshop (November 2021) ( November 2021

Active Listening (Video) ( November 2020

Book launch: Essential soft skills for lawyers – some research findings ( July 2020

Soft skills: Introduction to coaching – Three frameworks ( June 2020

Boost business development success with coaching ( February 2020

12 thoughts on delegation, coaching and team management ( January 2020

The art of giving feedback – top tips ( June 2018

Emotional contagion, delegation, coaching and team meetings ( January 2018

Delegation for leaders – a how to guide ( August 2017

Coaching skills – the power of questions ( May 2017

coaching and mentoring skills ( December 2015

Before your set your goals – check your limiting assumptions ( January 2015

Coaching skills – the importance of active listening – Kim Tasso November 2014

Seven takeaways from a coaching skills course (2014) – Kim Tasso November 2014

Personality assessment as part of the coaching and development process ( June 2013

Coaching and Mentoring services from Kim Tasso