Adaptive third

Better Business Relationships and DACRIE – A model to enhance business relationships

This article “A model to enhance business relationships” was published in the March 2019 edition of Ambition (the magazine of the Association of MBAs). It describes the DACRIE model which is the basis of the book by Kim Tasso “Better Business Relationships – Insights from psychology and management for working Read More

2019-04-15T15:29:33+01:00April 15, 2019|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Change management and creativity – Why a third adapt more easily

Successful professional service firms are those that have great leaders who can help their people anticipate and adapt to change quickly. So an article by Nick Tasler ( explaining why one in three adapt to change more easily caught my eye. The article refers to work by psychologist Salvatore Maddi Read More

2019-08-01T11:13:31+01:00July 15, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|
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