
Resources to help you deal with difficult interactions

I sent this information as a mailer to my clients and contacts recently and the feedback was really positive. Some suggested I should publish it as a blog post so that it could be seen by more people. So here is an article on resources to help you deal with Read More

2021-04-01T17:04:06+01:00February 12, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Legal marketing case study – Clark Hill redesigns its marketing and BD team

In September, the international senior marketing and business development team at Clark Hill  presented a webinar for the Professional Marketing Forum. The topic was “Clark Hill redesigns its marketing and BD team”. The work to re-imagine its marketing and business development (M&BD) team won Clark Hill the Best Marketing Initiative Read More

2023-03-06T11:04:36+00:00January 28, 2021|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing, Strategy|

Self-Motivation – Ten top tips (Video)

It’s the start of a New Year! Last year – with all the problems created by the Covid restrictions - it was really hard to keep going sometimes – even for those who usually excel at self-motivation. Apart from the odd bad day, I managed to maintain high motivation levels Read More

2024-01-10T09:57:45+00:00January 4, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|

Book review: “Range – How generalists triumph in a specialized world” by David Epstein

“Range – How generalists triumph in a specialized world” by David Epstein – provided both great comfort and sparked inspiration on a number of people development initiatives. If you, like me, have sometimes worried that your multiple professions and experiences in numerous industries left you vulnerable to the appeal of Read More

2020-08-03T09:21:17+01:00August 3, 2020|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|
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