
Telephone skills: Anxiety, voice, etiquette and the client experience

At a recent MBL workshop “Pick up the phone! Client service and sales opportunities for professionals in the digital age” some key issues emerged: Telephone skills: Anxiety, voice, etiquette and the client experience. Anxiety around picking up the phone Delegates reported that they observed that there was more nervousness and Read More

2022-09-22T13:24:12+01:00September 22, 2022|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Selling|

Augmented Reality (AR), Extended Reality (XR) and Virtual Reality (VR) could transform online events

Being rather weary of the Zoom and PowerPoint combo for online events I’ve recently attended two mind-blowing experiences that show how Augmented Reality (AR), Extended Reality (XR) and Virtual Reality (VR) could be used to improve the future digital client experience. Here are my experiences and insights from a talk Read More

2021-07-05T17:35:42+01:00November 13, 2020|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management|
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