narcissistic abuse

Why are my relationships like rollercoaster rides? Volatile relationships with heady highs and rock-bottom lows

Therapy clients sometimes report that their relationships are dramatic and volatile – swinging from heady highs to rock-bottom lows (and back again). Sometimes clients aren’t aware that they are repeating this pattern in their personal relationships. There are many possible reasons and explanations – some of which are linked.  With Read More

2024-08-21T09:36:24+01:00August 21, 2024|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|

Kim Tasso qualifies as a psychotherapeutic counsellor

I’m starting 2024 with some exciting news! After many years of studying and training, I’ve just received news that I qualified as a psychotherapeutic counsellor. This supplements my existing qualifications in psychology and professional coach mentoring. Kim Tasso qualifies as a psychotherapeutic counsellor. Setting up a psychotherapeutic counselling practice I Read More

2024-08-23T16:36:37+01:00January 8, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|
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