
Book review: How to do the work (recognise your patterns, heal from your past and create your self) by Dr Nicole LePera

Part of a psychotherapist’s toolbox is psychoeducation. This is helping therapy clients to understand themselves better and access tools to effect the change they desire. There are a few books that I recommend to my therapy clients and this is one of them. Their reaction is usually positive so here Read More

2024-07-03T16:55:23+01:00December 15, 2023|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|

Book review: Neuroscience for learning and development by Stella Collins

The 2019 second edition of this book (subtitled “How to apply neuroscience and psychology for improved learning and training”) provides fascinating insight and practical ideas to incorporate neuroscience into learning and development initiatives. It’s published by CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) and Kogan Page. It should be essential Read More

2023-09-05T09:25:02+01:00September 5, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|

Book review – Why has nobody told me this before? Dr Julie Smith (Mental Health Guidance)

Everyone experiences occasions when their mental health falters.  Whether that is with low mood, motivation, self-doubt, stress, grief, loneliness or navigating change. Many of us are able to get through those tough times but sometimes we need a little extra help. Therapy isn’t needed by or available to everyone. This Read More

2023-09-12T16:20:24+01:00July 25, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

A general law of interpersonal relationships?

This time last week (17th June) I was asked to join some other great speakers at the 75th MPF Retuning your firm online session.  Richard Chaplin asked me to speak about psychology and business relationships. The intersection between the topics of relationship management and psychology is an area of particular Read More

2022-06-29T08:27:20+01:00June 24, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Book review: The Awareness Code – The secrets to emotional empowerment for incredible leadership by Wayne Linton and Steve Tappin

This article appeared in the February 2022 edition of Professional Marketing magazine.  With 57,000 books on leadership listed on Amazon I wondered whether there was anything new to say on the topic. But the authors of this book come from a rather different perspective – emotional intelligence is the broadest Read More

2022-02-02T11:26:18+00:00February 2, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|
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