social media writing

Persuasive writing checklist

Delegates from legal, financial service and industry, joined me last week for a full day workshop on persuasive writing. Whilst it is usual to have business development professionals and experienced partners on this session, it was great to welcome a number of trainee solicitors too. During the session we created Read More

2024-02-12T11:24:35+00:00February 12, 2024|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Selling|

Lessons from digital marketing webinars (June 2023)

Things continue to move at pace in the world of digital marketing and marketing automation (MarTech). It’s hard to find valuable and reliable sources of information so I wanted to share some insights from some excellent webinars I recently attended. Lessons from digital marketing webinars (June 2023): How to get Read More

2024-08-19T13:57:45+01:00June 12, 2023|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media, Web Sites|
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