Management Skills

Project vs Campaign Management

In September, I facilitated a “Project and Campaign Management” training session for the Professional Marketing Forum (Details of future courses: While the focus was on understanding the formal project management processes and how they apply in business development and marketing projects, we also considered the issues in terms of Read More

2016-10-07T16:19:11+01:00October 7, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|

Strategy matters in turbulent times: Digital Transformation. Big Data. Business Models.

I attended last week’s Open University Business School (OUBS) business perspectives seminar on “Strategy Matters in Turbulent Times: Think Big Data. Think Business Models”. After opening comments from Hilary Collins, a lecturer in management, and Mark Fenton-O’Creevy, Associate Dean and professor of organisational behaviour we heard four speakers – each Read More

2016-09-26T14:17:42+01:00September 26, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Statistics and trends, Strategy|

The Lawyer UK 200 Workspace report – Law firm use of real estate

During the summer months I spent much of my time visiting the offices of solicitors and barristers around the UK, interviewing JLL’s property agents in the Big Six UK cities and knee-deep in data to produce an article and 20,000 word data-rich, benchmarking report for the second The Lawyer UK Read More

2016-09-19T09:34:33+01:00September 19, 2016|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Statistics and trends, Strategy|

To merge or not to merge? Merging property partnerships

Merging property partnerships – which are essentially people businesses – can be challenging. The topic of whether to merge or not to merge a small surveyors’ practice was discussed at a recent “Managing and marketing a profitable surveyors’ practice” (see for future dates and locations).  Reasons to merge Property Read More

2016-09-14T18:17:27+01:00September 14, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|

Book review: The leader’s guide to negotiation by Simon Horton

I’ve read a lot of books on negotiation. And this 270-page “leader’s guide to negotiation – how to use soft skills to get hard results” by Simon Horton is up there with my favourites. It’s stuffed full of research and useful insights from psychology. It provides a plethora of helpful Read More

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