Mental health

Book review: The Thriving Lawyer by Traci Cipriano (resilience)

Well-being, mental health and resilience are important themes in professional services – not just in legal firms. People are our most important asset and we need them to feel well and able to take on challenges in order to provide exceptional client service and to be productive. This book will Read More

2024-06-17T09:18:28+01:00June 17, 2024|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills|

Book review: You’re not listening – What you’re missing and why it matters by Kate Murphy

Active listening is a core communication skill that is fundamental for creating and developing relationships. Yet listening doesn’t receive nearly as much attention as other communication skills such as speaking, writing, presenting and negotiating. Effective listening is critical for so many activities such as learning, leading, client service, consulting, coaching, Read More

2024-06-07T08:15:32+01:00June 7, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Change Management – Ted Lasso leadership lessons, emotions and coaching skills

Managing partners, heads of transformation and functional leaders joined a MBL “Tackling change management – a workshop for professional practices” full day workshop in London last week. It was great that law firms, accountancy firms and surveying firms were represented – as the challenges are similar. It was an intense Read More

2024-05-03T11:52:35+01:00May 3, 2024|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|

Book review – Creating self-esteem by Lynda Field

Whilst published in 1993, this remains an often-quoted book in the area of self-esteem and realizing your true worth. Self-esteem often arises in my workshops on confidence and sometimes in coaching sessions. It’s a short book (150 pages) and a relatively quick and easy read – designed for those without Read More

2024-03-19T17:16:28+00:00March 19, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|

Kim Tasso launches new counselling and psychotherapy service

I have just established a new psychotherapeutic counselling practice. Kim Tasso launches new counselling and psychotherapy service. After completing training over many years I recently qualified as an integrative psychotherapeutic counsellor. I draw on a variety of psychotherapeutic traditions such as Person-Centred, Gestalt, Transactional Analysis, Existential and Cognitive-Based Therapy (CBT) Read More

2024-03-07T17:29:51+00:00March 7, 2024|Kim's Blog|
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