
Book review: You’re not listening – What you’re missing and why it matters by Kate Murphy

Active listening is a core communication skill that is fundamental for creating and developing relationships. Yet listening doesn’t receive nearly as much attention as other communication skills such as speaking, writing, presenting and negotiating. Effective listening is critical for so many activities such as learning, leading, client service, consulting, coaching, Read More

2024-06-07T08:15:32+01:00June 7, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Storytelling book reviews: The Story Advantage by LJ Bloom and The Story Factor by Annette Simmons

I’ve done lots of training and workshops on storytelling (see this 2017 summary of ideas on selling legal services with storytelling ). Often as part of persuasive writing sessions. The image below shows you some of the tools I use in my storytelling workshops. Most people know that research shows Read More

2023-10-19T16:39:53+01:00March 18, 2021|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management, Selling|
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