CIM qualifications

Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) updates standard and qualifications (2024)

Marketing moves at a very fast pace – and professional marketing standards and qualifications need to keep up. The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) has revised its professional qualifications. The last major revision was in 2020. CIM qualifications provide guidance on what knowledge, skills and behaviours are needed throughout a Read More

2024-09-03T10:54:19+01:00September 3, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Social Media|

The Proactive M&BD Executive – Culture shock, marketing models, fee-earner engagement, qualifications and social media

Just before Easter I spent a day facilitating the popular PM Forum training workshop “The Proactive M&BD Executive”. With a full house of marketing and business development executives from legal and accountancy firms across the UK it was an interactive, valuable and fun day (Thank you delegates for your spirited engagement Read More

2023-04-12T18:25:44+01:00April 12, 2023|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media|
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