
Confidence to overcome a fear of failure

At the recent MBL training workshop on Confidence at Work  several delegates commented that they avoided things (such as, talking to colleagues, speaking up in meetings, presenting and attending networking events) as they were afraid of failing. I explore common work situations where we might experience Imposter Syndrome or fear Read More

2024-09-30T15:11:51+01:00September 30, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Learning & Development Update: Lean Learning and learning trends

The role of learning and development (L&D) becomes more critical as firms try to ensure that their people are equipped with the latest skills to be agile enough to adapt to the fast-changing work environment. Learning & Development is often a key tool in employee retention. For those involved in Read More

2023-10-10T14:34:28+01:00October 10, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Statistics and trends|

Soft skills revisited – with a leadership perspective

This article "Soft skills revisited - with a leadership perspective" has just been published on Lexology. Back in July 2020 I shared some research insights from my book “Essential Soft Skills for Lawyers” which generated significant interest - not least from the associated nine-minute video explaining “soft” skills featuring the Read More

2022-11-08T14:49:16+00:00November 8, 2022|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

A general law of interpersonal relationships?

This time last week (17th June) I was asked to join some other great speakers at the 75th MPF Retuning your firm online session.  Richard Chaplin asked me to speak about psychology and business relationships. The intersection between the topics of relationship management and psychology is an area of particular Read More

2022-06-29T08:27:20+01:00June 24, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|
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