Labelling theory

Coaching skills – How to work with people with fixed views and closed to new ideas (dealing with stubbornness)

At the recent PM Forum - PM Forum training workshop on “Coaching and Consulting skills for marketing and business development professionals” the issue of how to work with people with fixed views and closed to new ideas or refuse to consider change arose several times.  We avoided using labels such Read More

Change management: Building Resilience – Regulation, Reframing, Relationships and Reflection (Video)

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week. As we are all experiencing tremendous strain and stress with the Coronavirus impacting on every aspect of our work and homes lives, I thought I’d share some ideas about resilience. So here’s a 10 minute video looking at four tools to help you become more Read More

2024-02-13T16:26:51+00:00May 17, 2020|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Two big guns of communication – Face-time and reframing

At a recent workshop for “Practical and professional skills for marketing and business development assistants”  I asked the participants for their views on the most important practical tips that they were taking away. They picked two – one might argue obvious - techniques to help them improve their communications with partners Read More

2023-09-23T16:27:32+01:00March 7, 2013|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|
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