The Law Society

Two 2023 financial benchmarks for law firms: The Law Society/Hazelwoods and the Institute of Legal Finance & Management (ILFM)/Crowe

I regularly review and summarise benchmark reports for law, accountancy, property and consultancy businesses. So here are two 2023 benchmarks for law firms: The Law Society/Hazelwoods and the Institute of Legal Finance & Management (ILFM)/Crowe. It’s interesting to compare the results from the two benchmarks. The Law Society and Hazelwoods Read More

2023-04-05T12:21:41+01:00April 5, 2023|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Statistics and trends|

Law Society Research Report – Future Worlds 2050: images of the future worlds facing the legal profession 2020-2030

To provide help with legal sector and law firm environmental analyses (e.g. PESTLE analyses) I have attempted to summarise the main findings of The Law Society Research Report “Future Worlds 2050: images of the future worlds facing the legal profession 2020-2030” which was released on 8th June by its Futures Read More

2021-07-19T11:27:25+01:00July 19, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Statistics and trends, Strategy|
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