Kim’s Blog

Top 10 takeaways – Proactive Marketing Executive (Feb 2019)

These are the top 10 takeaways from the delegates at the February 2019 Professional Marketing Forum’s Proactive Marketing Executive workshop selected as being most valuable. This post also includes some of the other marketing communication topics that emerged during exercises and discussions. McDonald’s Marketing plan outline (see and the Read More

2019-06-13T17:18:00+01:00June 13, 2019|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

Intapp leads the way with client lifecycle management (CLM) solution

In May I went along to the Intapp conference in London. I’ve written about the Intapp Professional Services Cloud before - it spans intelligent client development, unified business acceptance (conflict checking during client on-boarding) and client delivery (especially its support for pricing). But what struck me most at the recent conference was the Read More

2019-06-05T10:38:02+01:00June 5, 2019|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Be more confident and convey confidence

Confidence arises as an issue in many workshops – whether junior or senior people, whether fee-earners or marketing professionals, whether making a pitch or speaking in public. Confidence and self-confidence are covered in my latest book “Better Business Relationships”. In this post, I have summarised some tips to be more Read More

2025-01-29T08:33:10+00:00June 3, 2019|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Book review – Advanced Marketing Management: Principles, skills and tools by Nikolaos Dimitriadis, Neda Jovanovic Dimitriadis and Jillian Ney

I read and review a lot of books but this was one - Advanced Marketing Management: Principles, skills and tools by Nikolaos Dimitriadis, Neda Jovanovic Dimitriadis and Jillian Ney – is one of the best I have come across for a while. I have sung its praises to many people Read More

2019-05-29T12:46:27+01:00May 29, 2019|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Statistics and trends|

Future Marketing Manager – A checklist for success and how to get promoted

At the January 2019 presentation of the popular Future Marketing Manager course at Professional Marketing Forum, one of the group exercises was to write a checklist of what marketing and business development executives needed to do to be promoted to and successful as managers. So here is a checklist for Read More

2019-05-21T09:58:07+01:00May 21, 2019|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|
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