Buyer journey

How to create and promote your personal brand

Professionals – lawyers, accountants, surveyors and marketers – need to create and maintain a personal brand as part of their career development, marketing and selling. But how do you create a personal brand? And position it appropriately with the right level of awareness? Here I summarise a simple process to Read More

2024-05-17T08:35:19+01:00May 17, 2024|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Social Media|

Google and social media advertising

Working predominantly with business-to-business (B2B) professional services firms, there is little opportunity to do much advertising. Most of the firms I work with focus on generating online interest through content management and search strategies although social media advertising is becoming increasingly popular with some law, accountancy and property firms. I’m Read More

2018-04-05T15:30:14+01:00April 5, 2018|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Social Media, Web Sites|
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