check your assumptions

Coaching skills – How to work with people with fixed views and closed to new ideas (dealing with stubbornness)

At the recent PM Forum - PM Forum training workshop on “Coaching and Consulting skills for marketing and business development professionals” the issue of how to work with people with fixed views and closed to new ideas or refuse to consider change arose several times.  We avoided using labels such Read More

Future Marketing/BD Manager – Build resilience to avoid being overwhelmed

A key theme arising at the March PM Forum “Future Marketing/Business Development Manager”   (with delegates from legal, accountancy and consultancy firms) was about being overwhelmed. There were conversations about overwhelmed marketing/BD managers, overwhelmed M&BD teams and overwhelmed fee-earners. Often this was due to heavy and growing workloads – with Read More

2023-03-07T08:53:05+00:00March 7, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|
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