Climate change

Personal transitions: Retiring from a senior leadership role – the other side of succession

Former leaders have valuable lessons to share. Although by the time they have reflected, they have left the firm and it’s sometimes too late to pass on that those hard-won insights to the next generation of leaders. So this is the first in a series on lessons from former leaders. Read More

2024-04-03T14:24:50+01:00April 2, 2024|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Private client commercial conversations

At a recent business conversation skills session, private client and family lawyers asked about the nature of commercial conversations with individual clients (as opposed to business clients). These private clients are often high net worth (or ultra high net worth). So here are some thoughts on private client commercial conversations. Read More

2024-03-27T10:19:03+00:00March 27, 2024|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management, Statistics and trends|

Law Society Research Report – Future Worlds 2050: images of the future worlds facing the legal profession 2020-2030

To provide help with legal sector and law firm environmental analyses (e.g. PESTLE analyses) I have attempted to summarise the main findings of The Law Society Research Report “Future Worlds 2050: images of the future worlds facing the legal profession 2020-2030” which was released on 8th June by its Futures Read More

2021-07-19T11:27:25+01:00July 19, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Statistics and trends, Strategy|
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