Coaching relationship

Book review: The Fertile Void – Gestalt coaching at work by John Leary-Joyce

This book will be of interest to experienced coaches (beginners will need to be familiar with coaching fundamentals – introductory books are listed below). It explains how Gestalt therapy techniques can be used in coaching situations. I’ve written this review as a supplement to the resources available to those who Read More

2024-08-06T09:02:28+01:00August 6, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Book Review: The Coaching Manual by Julie Starr

I’ve reviewed several advanced coaching books in the past but I was asked to recommend a good introduction to the topic to support those attending my various coaching training sessions. Coaching is proven to be an effective way to develop and retain your team members. Coaching is an essential leadership Read More

Coaching and consulting skills for M&BD workshop (November 2021)

I was delighted to present the first (fully booked!) Professional Marketing Forum “Coaching and consulting skills for marketing and BD” workshop earlier this month. This post includes some of the key points arising from the coaching and consulting skills for M&BD workshop as well as signposting resources requested by the Read More

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