
Key Insights from the AI in Marketing training by Optix at PM Forum

Alastair and Samantha of Optix Solutions delivered a comprehensive and thought-provoking PM Forum training session. Delegates appreciated the provocative food for thought to make more proactive use of AI in their marketing and business development teams and activities. Opportunities quickly become threats so the need to get a handle on Read More

2024-09-18T09:02:22+01:00September 18, 2024|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

Personal transitions: Retiring from a senior leadership role – the other side of succession

Former leaders have valuable lessons to share. Although by the time they have reflected, they have left the firm and it’s sometimes too late to pass on that those hard-won insights to the next generation of leaders. So this is the first in a series on lessons from former leaders. Read More

2024-04-03T14:24:50+01:00April 2, 2024|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Telephone skills: Anxiety, voice, etiquette and the client experience

At a recent MBL workshop “Pick up the phone! Client service and sales opportunities for professionals in the digital age” some key issues emerged: Telephone skills: Anxiety, voice, etiquette and the client experience. Anxiety around picking up the phone Delegates reported that they observed that there was more nervousness and Read More

2022-09-22T13:24:12+01:00September 22, 2022|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Selling|

Classic management book reviews – The McKinsey way, Good to great, How to manage organisational change and Strategic Selling

At recent consulting, strategy and change management workshops delegates asked about some classic management books. I also noticed that “Good to great” was frequently referenced in some of the latest management thinking. As I had published the reviews below before starting this blog in 2008, I thought I’d re-post them Read More

2022-05-24T17:10:18+01:00May 24, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Selling, Strategy|
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