Generation Z

Book review: The Thriving Lawyer by Traci Cipriano (resilience)

Well-being, mental health and resilience are important themes in professional services – not just in legal firms. People are our most important asset and we need them to feel well and able to take on challenges in order to provide exceptional client service and to be productive. This book will Read More

2024-06-17T09:18:28+01:00June 17, 2024|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills|

Book review: You’re not listening – What you’re missing and why it matters by Kate Murphy

Active listening is a core communication skill that is fundamental for creating and developing relationships. Yet listening doesn’t receive nearly as much attention as other communication skills such as speaking, writing, presenting and negotiating. Effective listening is critical for so many activities such as learning, leading, client service, consulting, coaching, Read More

2024-06-07T08:15:32+01:00June 7, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Nurture a change management movement – From “Let it go” to “Let it grow”

Senior law and accountancy leaders attended a masterclass workshop in London last week. The session looked at how to ease personal transitions (individual change) whilst driving organisational change (primarily through cultural transformation). As well as rational approaches (we considered several change management methodologies including Kotter’s), both elements involve engaging emotions Read More

2023-09-26T15:44:22+01:00September 26, 2023|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills|

Book review: Influential Internal Communication by Jenni Field

I haven’t reviewed a book on the topic of internal communication and yet it’s a vital element of marketing, branding, organisational culture, change management and leadership. This contemporary book (published in 2021) is just 200 pages and is subtitled “Streamline your corporate communication to drive efficiency and engagement”. So here’s Read More

2022-09-06T09:18:11+01:00September 6, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Relationship Management|
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