Moving your career beyond Head of Marketing – PM Forum event report

KPMG hosted a panel discussion last night where some of the brightest stars of professional services marketing shared their reflections, insights and advice on how to break through to the next step of your career beyond Head of Marketing roles. I’ve summarised the key points from speakers and contributors (Simon Read More

2014-09-18T12:11:09+01:00September 17, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing|

2014 CIM professional marketing qualifications syllabus changes

I recently wrote about the new marketing standards from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) I wrote about the previous changes to the CIM professional qualifications syllabus in 2009 and have written on a number of occasions about alternative digital qualifications and courses (see, for example: and Read More

2014-09-11T16:50:28+01:00September 11, 2014|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Statistics and trends|
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