
What is NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)?

As a psychology graduate, I wasn’t that impressed by NLP but perhaps that is because I had already learned much of what it has to offer. I took the trouble to qualify as a practitioner back in 2007 to confirm my views that it is effectively a simplified form of Read More

2024-07-02T17:47:35+01:00July 16, 2012|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management, Selling|

Book review “Conversational riffs – creating meaning out of conflict” by Neil Denny (Conflict management)

Book review “Conversational riffs - creating meaning out of conflict” by Neil Denny (Conflict management). Psychologists say that successful relationships have the following elements: A safe place from which to explore Repair after rupture Communication Neil’s book on conflict management offers some great insights and help primarily in the second Read More

2022-05-31T09:15:55+01:00April 1, 2012|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management|

The psychology of price

I recently attended a short PSMG session led by Paul Denvir of The Pace Partners on the psychology of price. He started with an exercise where we were all to noted down what we would consider the values of expensive cars and houses and cheap holidays and we quickly saw Read More

2015-12-10T12:22:29+00:00February 10, 2011|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Selling|
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