
Coaching skills – How to work with people with fixed views and closed to new ideas (dealing with stubbornness)

At the recent PM Forum - PM Forum training workshop on “Coaching and Consulting skills for marketing and business development professionals” the issue of how to work with people with fixed views and closed to new ideas or refuse to consider change arose several times.  We avoided using labels such Read More

Negotiating skills – Balancing task and relationship

I thought I’d share a few key ideas from some recent workshops on negotiation skills. Sometimes I am training business support professionals, but on occasions I am asked to work with legal professionals who typically are known for their excellent negotiation skills. I use the model of balancing task and Read More

2024-04-16T12:10:34+01:00April 16, 2024|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Book review – Can we start again? The patterns of NLP applied to business interactions by Daryll Scott

This book review was published in  Magazine - PM Forum way back in 2008. However, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has arisen a few times at recent training workshops so I thought I would publish the review as a blog post. Book review – Can we start again? The patterns of Read More

2023-12-07T09:44:58+00:00December 7, 2023|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|

Conversation skills book review 3: Conversational intelligence – How great leaders build trust and get extraordinary results by Judith E Glaser (2014)

I’m often asked to provide training in conversation skills. Whether it’s for confident or commercial conversations as part of the networking skills toolkit or part of a relationship building or sales conversations. I often wonder whether the perceived conversation skills gap was caused by the imposed isolation during the Covid Read More

2023-05-22T15:35:30+01:00May 22, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

What do you do when a male colleague doesn’t like women? (gender bias)

This was a question posed to me recently by a woman at a workshop. Whilst this question is about prejudice towards women (sex and gender bias) it could just as easily have been about age or culture or disability or sexual orientation or any other difference. I am sure you Read More

2023-02-09T15:32:05+00:00February 9, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|
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