
Book review – Creating self-esteem by Lynda Field

Whilst published in 1993, this remains an often-quoted book in the area of self-esteem and realizing your true worth. Self-esteem often arises in my workshops on confidence and sometimes in coaching sessions. It’s a short book (150 pages) and a relatively quick and easy read – designed for those without Read More

2024-03-19T17:16:28+00:00March 19, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|

What is Socratic questioning? (Questioning skills)

Long before I learned of the value of Socratic questioning in coaching and counselling, I remember an editor asking me to use Socratic questioning in some writing. Socratic questioning is a way to drive logical argument. It’s helpful in conversations, critical thinking and negotiation. So what is Socratic questioning? (Questioning Read More

2024-02-27T17:29:03+00:00February 22, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Kim Tasso qualifies as a psychotherapeutic counsellor

I’m starting 2024 with some exciting news! After many years of studying and training, I’ve just received news that I qualified as a psychotherapeutic counsellor. This supplements my existing qualifications in psychology and professional coach mentoring. Kim Tasso qualifies as a psychotherapeutic counsellor. Setting up a psychotherapeutic counselling practice I Read More

2024-08-23T16:36:37+01:00January 8, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Book review: How to do the work (recognise your patterns, heal from your past and create your self) by Dr Nicole LePera

Part of a psychotherapist’s toolbox is psychoeducation. This is helping therapy clients to understand themselves better and access tools to effect the change they desire. There are a few books that I recommend to my therapy clients and this is one of them. Their reaction is usually positive so here Read More

2024-07-03T16:55:23+01:00December 15, 2023|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|

Leadership conversation skills: SCARF model of neuroscience in social interactions, collaboration and relationships

I first mentioned SCARF in an article about neuroscience and leadership Leadership: Lessons from Star Trek and Neuroscience - Kim Tasso back in 2012. There David Rock talked about the neuroscience of leadership - the need to still your mind, improve emotional regulation, watch non-verbal signals and take care with Read More

2023-10-01T15:32:48+01:00October 1, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|
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