
Pitching and Tenders – Nine top tips and client feedback (June 2019)

I’ve led several public courses on tendering and pitches recently (e.g. through Professional Marketing Forum and for professional service firm clients on an in-house basis. Here’s a round-up of the points that had most resonance on pitching and tenders – Nine top tips and client feedback: 1. Have a Read More

Top 10 takeaways – Proactive Marketing Executive (Feb 2019)

These are the top 10 takeaways from the delegates at the February 2019 Professional Marketing Forum’s Proactive Marketing Executive workshop selected as being most valuable. This post also includes some of the other marketing communication topics that emerged during exercises and discussions. McDonald’s Marketing plan outline (see and the Read More

2019-06-13T17:18:00+01:00June 13, 2019|Kim's Blog, Marketing|
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