I recently wrote about the new marketing standards from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) http://kimtasso.com/views-new-marketing-standards-cim/. I wrote about the previous changes to the CIM professional qualifications syllabus in 2009 http://kimtasso.com/professional-service-marketers-face-challenging-syllabus-change/ and have written on a number of occasions about alternative digital qualifications and courses (see, for example: http://kimtasso.com/old-and-new-digital-marketing-qualifications/ and http://kimtasso.com/digital-marketing-qualifications-update/)
A few months ago, CIM issued revised professional qualifications which are shown in overview in the diagram above.
The 2014 CIM professional marketing qualifications syllabus changes are substantial with many of the previous courses disappearing altogether, some have merged and there is now a new emphasis, as you would expect to see, on strategy, digital and metrics. I am also delighted to see that an innovation and entrepreneurial marketing course has been added for the first time.
For those entering the profession at a junior level, there is an optional new Foundation Certificate in Marketing with two papers.
The other major change is that rather than all four papers at Certificate and Diploma levels being compulsory there is now an element of choice to reflect the nature of your organisation and career preferences. We are a profession in transition and I think the new syllabus captures the important elements of the traditional theory and practices whilst integrating the new digital elements.
As before, assessment is based on a mix of multiple choice examinations and assignments at junior levels. There is some portfolio work for the digital elements at certificate and diploma levels and business assignments at the more senior levels – keeping the much-valued practitioner emphasis in the evaluation.
Every course has been standardised to have three modules so the workload should be equal across all of them although this will be better understood as the text books and course materials to support the syllabuses are developed.
Foundation Certificate in Marketing
There are two courses here:
- Marketing principles
- Customer Communications
Certificate in Professional Marketing
Two mandatory courses:
- Marketing
- Integrated communications (this has long been an area I have emphasised in all of my teaching and training)
Choice of one from two electives:
- Customer experience
- Digital marketing
Diploma in Professional Marketing
Two mandatory courses:
- Strategic marketing
- Mastering metrics
Choice of one from two electives:
- Driving innovation
- Digital strategy
Post Graduate Diploma in Professional Marketing
Stage One:
- Emerging themes (an assignment)
- Analysis and decision (I used to tutor on this course and still believe it is one of the most challenging courses I have ever learned and taught!)
- Marketing leadership and planning
- Managing corporate planning
Stage Two:
- Project
Overall, I think the changes are really positive and ensure that the next generation of marketers are keeping up with the changes in the digital world whilst recognising the enormous contribution the profession makes to strategy and making the client experience a focus for everything within our organisations.
So what are your views about the new syllabus?
Further information is available from the CIM: http://www.cim.co.uk/Learn/Qualifications.aspx
As in past years in 2015, I will be tutoring on general and professional services versions of courses at Cambridge Marketing College: http://www.marketingcollege.com/courses/qualifications/all#CIM