
About Kim Tasso

Strategy consultant. BD & Marketing trainer. Psychologist. Qualified coach. Author of seven books. NED. Trustee. Londoner.

CIM’s Innovation in Marketing

People often ask me about innovation in marketing. There is lots of information around on the subject – particularly as we struggle with how to move out of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, through technologically-disrupted markets and into whatever the “new normal” might be. So I thought I would revisit the Read More

2020-08-24T14:35:38+01:00August 24, 2020|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Strategy|

Book review: “Range – How generalists triumph in a specialized world” by David Epstein

“Range – How generalists triumph in a specialized world” by David Epstein – provided both great comfort and sparked inspiration on a number of people development initiatives. If you, like me, have sometimes worried that your multiple professions and experiences in numerous industries left you vulnerable to the appeal of Read More

2020-08-03T09:21:17+01:00August 3, 2020|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|
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