Management Skills

A general law of interpersonal relationships?

This time last week (17th June) I was asked to join some other great speakers at the 75th MPF Retuning your firm online session.  Richard Chaplin asked me to speak about psychology and business relationships. The intersection between the topics of relationship management and psychology is an area of particular Read More

2022-06-29T08:27:20+01:00June 24, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Book review: Coaching skills: A handbook by Jenny Rogers

Delegates on my coaching training sessions often ask for recommendations of good books on coaching and this is a mature, comprehensive and challenging exploration of what it takes to be a great coach. So here is a book review of Coaching skills: A handbook by Jenny Rogers. It was first Read More

Book review: The psychology of successful women by Shona Rowan

I’ve known the author Shona Rowan (who is a high-performance coach, shares my love of psychology and understands professional services) for some time so I was keen to read her first book. I usually avoid anything that is aimed at women – yet this book contains some practical, straight-talking advice Read More

2024-09-22T11:01:19+01:00June 2, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|
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