Management Skills

Professional Service Firms: Reflections on 2014 – Actions for 2015

I produced an overview of my work during the year (see but have summarised below three key reflections on the year and thus the main focus for action in 2015 for professional service firms: 1. Lead with strategy – Some have it. Many don’t. Everyone talks about it. Industries Read More

2014-12-23T09:45:05+00:00December 23, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing, Strategy|

Career coaching and counselling – with Kim Tasso

Usually my coaching work focuses on high performance management, business development and the transition to leadership roles. However, I recently wrote about a couple of career counselling webinars that I had joined. Having qualified as a professional coach/mentor back in 2002, and with a number of psychology qualifications (including accreditation Read More

2014-12-03T15:55:18+00:00December 3, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing|

Career coaching and counselling – Recent webinars

As a substantial part of my coaching work includes career coaching and counselling – both for those who are professions in the traditional sense (lawyers, accountants and surveyors) and modern professionals (marketers and business developers) I joined two recent webinars to hear others’ views on career development. Each webinar was good in Read More

2014-12-01T10:15:04+00:00December 1, 2014|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills|

Coaching skills – the importance of active listening

At the recent coaching skills course for Professional Marketing Forum  delegates studied and practised a variety of coaching skills including: contracting, process, exploring/questioning, providing feedback and perspective, reframing, problem solving, goal setting, action planning and motivation. But what generated the most interest amongst the mid and senior level managers was Read More

2024-06-27T16:26:12+01:00November 27, 2014|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|
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