Kim’s Blog

Lessons from digital marketing webinars (June 2023)

Things continue to move at pace in the world of digital marketing and marketing automation (MarTech). It’s hard to find valuable and reliable sources of information so I wanted to share some insights from some excellent webinars I recently attended. Lessons from digital marketing webinars (June 2023): How to get Read More

2024-08-19T13:57:45+01:00June 12, 2023|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media, Web Sites|

Being more strategic – Case studies and insights (Ireland May 2023)

I was delighted to return to Dublin to lead an in person training workshop for PM Forum Ireland  on “Being more strategic” with delegates from law, accountancy and consultancy firms. We considered strategic thinking, business strategy and marketing and business development strategy. So there should be something for everyone – Read More

Pitching, differentiation and competitor analysis

In May we welcomed delegates from legal, accounting and consulting firms at manager and executive levels to a PM Forum workshop on pitching. Some delegates were highly experienced in pitching (and their roles focused on pitching and tenders), whereas others were at the start of their journey and/or had only Read More

2023-06-01T11:28:30+01:00June 1, 2023|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Selling, Strategy|

Conversation skills book review 3: Conversational intelligence – How great leaders build trust and get extraordinary results by Judith E Glaser (2014)

I’m often asked to provide training in conversation skills. Whether it’s for confident or commercial conversations as part of the networking skills toolkit or part of a relationship building or sales conversations. I often wonder whether the perceived conversation skills gap was caused by the imposed isolation during the Covid Read More

2023-05-22T15:35:30+01:00May 22, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|
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