Relationship Management

White Paper: Apps by UK law, accountancy and property firms – Are we missing the mobile revolution?

Are you App-Aware, App-Agnostic or App-Happy? I have monitored the introduction of Apps by professional service firms (PSFs) in the legal, accountancy and property markets over the past few years and even built a spread sheet analysing their key features and relative strengths and weaknesses. I intended to write a Read More

Blending online and offline marketing

I have just published a short article on this topic for Delia Venables’ Internet Newsletter for Lawyers. They key points covered include: Listen to the market (research) Attend events (market intelligence/make connections) Follow up Manage your contacts Prioritise your pipeline Promote your referrers and clients Create a campaign Optimise your Read More

Adaptation and reinvention – Taking my own medicine

Branding is tricky at the best of times. But when you have to apply the process to yourself or your own business it becomes almost impossible. When I established my first company - Practical Marketing Consultancy Ltd - way back in 1994 the world was a very different place. Almost Read More

Impact of technology on marketing

I noticed that a large proportion of my web traffic results from people searching on this subject. So I have just written an article for Professional Marketing magazine which takes an overview of the impact of technology on marketing in the professions. It covers the following subjects: Planning, segmentation and Read More

Book review “Conversational riffs – creating meaning out of conflict” by Neil Denny (Conflict management)

Book review “Conversational riffs - creating meaning out of conflict” by Neil Denny (Conflict management). Psychologists say that successful relationships have the following elements: A safe place from which to explore Repair after rupture Communication Neil’s book on conflict management offers some great insights and help primarily in the second Read More

2022-05-31T09:15:55+01:00April 1, 2012|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management|
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