
Professional service firms doomed to become pirates and gladiators?

There was an interesting article in The Times last week (17th March). Sir Michael Snyder (Senior partner at accountants Kingston Smith and a former policy Chairman of the City of London Corporation) made the following observations regarding the Professional Services Global Competitiveness Group report: • The professional services industry employs Read More

2013-07-25T12:39:42+01:00March 23, 2009|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Strategy|

What makes a good marketing campaign?

What makes a good marketing campaign? In my capacity as a judge in the MPF (Managing Partners Forum) Awards “Best Marketing Campaign” category (see I had the pleasure today of reviewing the short listed entries along with my fellow category judge in advance of the imminent judges’ dinner to Read More

2015-07-06T13:21:14+01:00September 3, 2008|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Strategy|
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