
Task, tool and message?

As I draw to the conclusion of this term's various lecturing commitments for the CIM marketing communication diploma classes that I teach, my students are preparing their assignments. One of the key concepts that underpins most of what is taught in this course is the relationship between task, tool and Read More

2013-07-25T12:27:08+01:00March 9, 2009|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|

What makes a good marketing campaign?

What makes a good marketing campaign? In my capacity as a judge in the MPF (Managing Partners Forum) Awards “Best Marketing Campaign” category (see I had the pleasure today of reviewing the short listed entries along with my fellow category judge in advance of the imminent judges’ dinner to Read More

2015-07-06T13:21:14+01:00September 3, 2008|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Strategy|
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