
Career coaching and counselling – with Kim Tasso

Usually my coaching work focuses on high performance management, business development and the transition to leadership roles. However, I recently wrote about a couple of career counselling webinars that I had joined. Having qualified as a professional coach/mentor back in 2002, and with a number of psychology qualifications (including accreditation Read More

2014-12-03T15:55:18+00:00December 3, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing|

Career coaching and counselling – Recent webinars

As a substantial part of my coaching work includes career coaching and counselling – both for those who are professions in the traditional sense (lawyers, accountants and surveyors) and modern professionals (marketers and business developers) I joined two recent webinars to hear others’ views on career development. Each webinar was good in Read More

2014-12-01T10:15:04+00:00December 1, 2014|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills|

Coaching skills – the importance of active listening

At the recent coaching skills course for Professional Marketing Forum  delegates studied and practised a variety of coaching skills including: contracting, process, exploring/questioning, providing feedback and perspective, reframing, problem solving, goal setting, action planning and motivation. But what generated the most interest amongst the mid and senior level managers was Read More

2024-06-27T16:26:12+01:00November 27, 2014|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|
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