
Getting what you want and how to say “No” – Assertiveness skills

In many of the courses I run for the Professional Marketing Forum, the topic of assertiveness arises. Sometimes this relates to people needing the confidence to speak up and share ideas or to challenge requests. Often it relates to finding ways to decline or modify inappropriate requests – how Read More

2017-03-15T10:10:31+00:00March 15, 2017|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Book review: The leader’s guide to negotiation by Simon Horton

I’ve read a lot of books on negotiation. And this 270-page “leader’s guide to negotiation – how to use soft skills to get hard results” by Simon Horton is up there with my favourites. It’s stuffed full of research and useful insights from psychology. It provides a plethora of helpful Read More

Seven top tips for conflict management and negotiation

Conflict – whether internal amongst colleagues or external with clients and suppliers – is an inevitable part of life and I have previously written about conflict management (see, for example and negotiation ( At a recent series of conflict management and negotiation skills workshops with leading property partnerships and Read More

2016-05-03T09:20:06+01:00May 3, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Psychology and business communication: An introduction to Transactional Analysis (TA)

Psychology offers a lot of tools to improve business communication. Psychology and business communication are frequent themes in my training courses for professionals. As well as topics such as personality, cognitive styles, emotional intelligence and NLP, I provide an introduction to Transactional Analysis in a number of my communication and Read More

2024-07-02T18:50:31+01:00January 9, 2015|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

10 practical tips for fee and price negotiations

As part of the conflict management training courses and coaching I provide, I have just updated the 40 page resource “Guide to effective communication, conflict management and negotiation for smoother relationships and better outcomes” that I provide to delegates and coaching clients. Whilst much of the training focuses on influence, Read More

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