
Book review: Life after Boris by James Mendelssohn (a story about succession in a partnership)

I liked both “Who moved my cheese?” (Spencer Johnson) and “Our iceberg is melting” (John Kotter) – two fables about how to manage individual and business change. And now the professions have their own story about succession in a partnership. With a distinctly “Watership Down” feel – the main characters Read More

2013-09-04T21:43:48+01:00June 21, 2013|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property|

Cross cultural communication

In the current edition of Professional Marketing magazine http://www.pmforum.co.uk/magazine/index.aspx  there’s an article by me on communicating and developing business relationships in multi-cultural  and cross cultural business environments. Three key models are explored and some practical guidance is provided. Due to space limits, the following nine dimensions of cultural leadership competencies from Read More

Book Review: Good strategy, Bad Strategy – The difference and why it matters by Richard Rumelt

There’s so much happening in the world – mostly driven by the digital revolution – that it’s easy to get so wrapped up with new tools and channels that the fundamentals are left behind. Strategy is one of those areas that is often neglected. And even when, like me, you’ve Read More

2014-08-18T14:05:33+01:00November 22, 2012|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|
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