Marketing Planning

Marketing planning in a nutshell

I provide many public training courses on marketing planning in a nutshell. But questions about marketing planning arise in many other public and in-house training courses on business development, referrer management and social selling. And of course people ask me for a standard marketing plan template. But it’s rarely as Read More

Proactive Marketing Executive – Seven standout subjects (February 2017)

The PM Forum Proactive Marketing Executive workshop has been running successfully for many years. We update the content regularly to reflect the changes taking place in marketing, digital marketing, the professions and the world at large. We cover a wide range of topics on strategic marketing, tactical marketing as well Read More

2017-02-04T17:15:29+00:00February 4, 2017|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

Marketing planning in a nutshell – Selecting a strategy

At last week’s “Marketing planning in a nutshell” workshop by Professional Marketing Forum the delegates requested that I write a blog on selecting strategies. The first part of the session focused on the marketing audit – analysing internal and external sources of information in order to identify strengths, weakness, Read More

10 steps to create a business development campaign

At a recent CLT course on “Business Development for Lawyers” I asked delegates (many of whom where insolvency experts) what they would most like as a follow up blog post. They asked for something that pulled everything together on developing a marketing and business development campaign. This is a topic Read More

2015-11-13T12:45:19+00:00November 13, 2015|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Strategy|
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