Professional Marketing magazine

Spotlight on Richard Chaplin, PM Forum and Managing Partners’ Forum

I posted this on LinkedIn on 13th September. It received such a warm and enthusiastic response that it was suggested we consider a series highlighting the giants of professional services marketing and business development. So here’s the spotlight on Richard Chaplin, PM Forum and Managing Partners’ Forum. What’s the longest Read More

Insights on pitching – Online, virtual, productivity, confidence and procurement (December 2021)

I recently reviewed all the articles in Professional Marketing magazine  on pitching. And I’ve highlighted the key points here of the latest insights on pitching – Online, virtual, productivity, confidence and procurement. Online pitching In October 2021, Michael Fleming (Kissing with Confidence) argued that whether in the room or on Read More

2021-12-29T10:59:33+00:00December 29, 2021|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Selling|
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