
Coaching skills – the importance of active listening

At the recent coaching skills course for Professional Marketing Forum  delegates studied and practised a variety of coaching skills including: contracting, process, exploring/questioning, providing feedback and perspective, reframing, problem solving, goal setting, action planning and motivation. But what generated the most interest amongst the mid and senior level managers was Read More

2024-06-27T16:26:12+01:00November 27, 2014|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Book Review: “The small big – small changes that spark big influence” by Steve J Martin, Noah J Goldstein and Robert B Cialdini (persuasion science)

As a psychologist and a salesperson I was blown away when I first read Cialdini’s great book on the psychology of persuasion (was that really over 10 years ago?). There’s a summary of the six principles below. His work features in many of my influence, persuasive writing and buy-in training Read More

2022-06-21T10:45:21+01:00November 20, 2014|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Family Law Panel Westminster Forum 2014 – “Couples break up – Families don’t need to”

As a psychologist and trainee psychotherapeutic counsellor, a consultant who works with many family lawyers, a divorced mum who ensured my children’s father played a major role in their lives and as a long-time supporter of the not-for-profit organisations OnlyMums and OnlyDads, I was delighted to attend my Read More

2014-10-28T09:53:48+00:00October 28, 2014|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Statistics and trends|
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