Sales tips

Book review: How to be great at the stuff you hate: The straight talking guide to persuading, networking and selling By Nick Davies

I’ve just finished writing a detailed review of this book "How to be great at the stuff you hate: The straight talking guide to persuading, networking and selling" which will appear shortly in PM magazine. Here are some headline thoughts and a few more personal observations. Any book which starts Read More

2015-12-10T12:04:32+00:00March 12, 2012|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management, Selling|

Six top tips for improving personal impact

Last week I joined a web cast presented by an excellent HR consultant that I have worked with in the property sector – Alyson Pellowe ( @alysonpellowe) where consultant Ian Crocker talked about personal impact. This is a topic about on which I write, train and coach a fair amount so Read More

2013-08-05T23:35:24+01:00February 5, 2012|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|
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