
Future Marketing (BD) Manager – Ogres, Cacti and Dance the POLCA

The PM Forum’s  Future Marketing (BD) Manager in person workshop this week was attended by delegates from legal (solicitors, barristers, patent attorneys), accountancy, actuarial and management consultancy firms. Taylor Wessing was kind enough to provide our venue for this full day workshop – the views of the City of London Read More

2022-03-08T14:46:27+00:00March 8, 2022|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

The power of three in personal introductions (BrandMe)

There is a short video about Power of three - Writing and presentation basics (Video) ( And I’ve written before about the power of three when developing a persuasive presentation. See, for example, a review of a book on the topic Book review - The presentation book by Emma Ledden Read More

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