
The price of divorce: survey results

At the beginning of February I released a survey into the price of divorce in conjunction with and The key findings from the research are as follows: 71% of those responding were male 50% had an average gross household income of between £25,000 and £100,000 55% said that the children lived Read More

2013-08-28T13:49:02+01:00March 14, 2013|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Statistics and trends|

Understanding General Counsel – Four recent research reports

There were four research reports to help us understanding General Counsel (in-house lawyers) published recently. Each drew out some surprising findings: Nabarro’s third annual general counsel report (surveying 100 GCs from FTSE listed and large private companies) indicated that 75% were keen to receive further training on influencing. GCs from Kellogg, Misys and Sony Read More

PwC – an indicator of accountancy sector growth?

PwC recently announced its annual revenues increased 6.5% to a record £2.6bn with overall profits for UK, Channel Islands and Middle East operations rising 10.8% to £727m in the year ending June 2012. PwC audits 40 of the FTSE 100 firms and posted 4.1% revenue growth to £656m for its Read More

2013-08-14T18:22:42+01:00January 2, 2013|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Statistics and trends, Strategy|

Is your organisation too complex?

I participated in a fascinating webinar today by AMBA (Association of MBAs) where Professor Simon Collinson (Dean of Birmingham Business School) presented the key findings from the book he co-authored with Melvin Jay called “From complexity to simplicity: Unleash your organisation’s potential”. There may be some interesting lessons for larger Read More

2013-08-09T20:53:32+01:00October 24, 2012|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Statistics and trends, Strategy|
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