William Bridges

Personal transitions: Retiring from a senior leadership role – the other side of succession

Former leaders have valuable lessons to share. Although by the time they have reflected, they have left the firm and it’s sometimes too late to pass on that those hard-won insights to the next generation of leaders. So this is the first in a series on lessons from former leaders. Read More

2024-04-03T14:24:50+01:00April 2, 2024|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Nurture a change management movement – From “Let it go” to “Let it grow”

Senior law and accountancy leaders attended a masterclass workshop in London last week. The session looked at how to ease personal transitions (individual change) whilst driving organisational change (primarily through cultural transformation). As well as rational approaches (we considered several change management methodologies including Kotter’s), both elements involve engaging emotions Read More

2023-09-26T15:44:22+01:00September 26, 2023|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills|

Book review: Coaching skills: A handbook by Jenny Rogers

Delegates on my coaching training sessions often ask for recommendations of good books on coaching and this is a mature, comprehensive and challenging exploration of what it takes to be a great coach. So here is a book review of Coaching skills: A handbook by Jenny Rogers. It was first Read More

Change management basics (Video)

Todays’ video explores change management basics – both from individual (psychology) and organisational (business) perspectives. (Video script) I’m Kim Tasso. Today we are going to look at some core ideas around change management. We all experienced massive change during Covid – because we had to. But without a major crisis Read More

Change management: Your personal transition – Endings, neutral zone and new beginnings

Following my short video on the emotions during major changes, many people said they are feeling disoriented and disconnected during lock down. It’s no surprise as the changes have been immense and the impact of isolation is underestimated. But I recall – from my work as a psychologist and coach Read More

2020-06-05T09:35:24+01:00June 5, 2020|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|
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